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Time Table & Plenary Lectures

The 31st International KOGO Annual Conference


'Frontiering genomics beyond the pandemic'

September 15-16, 2022
Sejong Convention Center, Sejong University, Seoul, Korea


Day 1 (Thu. 15, September)
Time Hall A Hall B Conference Room 1&2
08:00- Registration
09:00-10:40(100') S1. Single Cell Genomics S2. Medical Genomics ¡¡
10:40-11:00(20') Coffee Break & Opening Ceremony
11:00-11:40(40') PL1. Aviv Regev S15. The PPF (Past, Present and Future) of Genome Research
11:40-12:40(60') S3. GWAS on complex diseases using the Korea Biobank Array S4. Young Scientist Session
12:40-13:40(60') Luncheon Seminar 1_Insilicogen
Luncheon Seminar 2_
Miltenyi Biotec Korea
Lunch Time
Lunch Time
13:40-15:20(100') S5. Viral Genomics S6. Plant Genomics
S16. Lessons from the pilot project of the National Bio Big Data
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15:20-15:40(20') Coffee Break
S17. Advances in Omics Technology
15:40-17:20(100') S7. Epigenomics S8. Cancer Genomics
17:20-18:00(40') General Assembly / Poster Viewing
Day 2 (Fri. 16, September)
Time Hall A Hall B Conference Room 1&2
09:00-10:40(100') S9. Immuno-Genomics S10. Microbiome ¡¡
10:40-11:00(20') Coffee Break
11:00-11:40(40') PL2. Joseph Ecker
11:40-12:20(40') Unbong Kang Hyen Sam Award Lecture
12:20-13:20(60') Luncheon Seminar 3_BMS
Luncheon Seminar 4_NRF
(*PI only)
Lunch Time Lunch Time
13:20-14:00(40') PL3. Patrick Tan
14:00-14:10(10') Coffee Break
AWS/Illumina Education Workshop
14:10-15:50(100') S11. Complex Disease Genomics S12. New Technologies in Genomics
15:50-16:00(10') Coffee Break
16:00-17:40(100') S13. Non-coding RNAs and Epitranscriptomes S14. Bioinformatics and System Biology ¡¡
17:40-18:00(20') Closing Ceremony & Awards

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